The Gardens
Castle Rivau is committed to a sustainable development, this approach includes four different pillars:
– An Environemental pillar (Waste Management, selective sorting, composting, reduction of packages, water management, use of green products, limiting the use of phytosanitary products , biodiversity)
– An Economic pillar: building insulation, limiting electrical consumption (LED – geothermal energy), energetic performance.
– A Social pillar: individual interviews, staff training and welcoming tools for seasonal staff and new employees.
– A Ethical pillar: highlighting products and local producers at the restaurant and the shop (Wine tourism Label- vegetables served in the restaurant are produced in Rivau or Lémeré, all products in the restaurant are local) partnership with farmers and local operators, special program for disable guests. We also work with local associations like « Lire et Dire » that welcoms refugies in Chinon.
Environemental issues are at the heart of the conception of the gardens of Le Rivau. The use of indegenous plants – that attract insects that eat the flower predators are prefered. Simple flowers are prefered over more complexe hybrids, that are not as easy to pollinate for insects. Favorable synergiesbetween plants are systematicly put in place : between roses you may find lavander and dill – natural repulsive against aphid. Rose families are mixed in order to prevent the propagation of cryptogammes. Natural balances are favorable in order to attract auxiliary insects.
Pheromone traps are used to fight off the carpocapse. Each automne, a home made compost is used to enrich the soil. Organic amendements are usede and plants are nourished with biologic fertiliser.